Riverstone Dolphins Club Swim Night Covid-19 Protocols

October 2021

  1. GUIDELINES: Anyone entering Riverstone Swim Centre must understand and adhere to the guidelines set by Riverstone Dolphins Swimming Club, Riverstone Swimming Centre, Swimming NSW and the Public Health Order.


  1. DO NOT attend club swim nights if you are unwell and experiencing symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, fever, fatigue or shortness of breath.


  1. DO NOT attend club swim nights if in the last 14 days you have been unwell or had close contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19


  1. DOUBLE VACCINATION ALL swimmers, officials and spectators 16 years or over attending a club race night before the 1st December must show proof of double vaccination status or have an exemption.


  1. ENTRY AND EXIT to RIVERSTONE POOL: Use the Swimming Centres QR code to check in every attendee every week. A sign in form is available for those without QR technology. Please maintain social distancing when queuing to enter or exit the facility. Please show your codes to the security on duty at the pool before entering.


  1. ARRIVE READY TO SWIM: Please avoid using the bathrooms for changing if possible. Showers will not be in operation.  Masks MUST be worn in all indoor areas including changerooms.


  1. SWIMMER CHECK IN – All swimmers are to proceed to marshalling upon arrival to check in. Check in Opens at 6.10pm. Swimmers who have not checked in by 6.30pm may be scratched from their race. (Please notify via email if you will be late). Swimmers to remain in the marshalling area until they have completed their swims for the night. Blankets/Rugs and folding chairs encouraged to save swim towels to dry swimmer.


  1. 5M SWIMMER CHECK IN– parents of 12.5m swimmers can remain with their 12.5M swimmers in the marshalling area.


  1. SWIMMERS NEEDS IN MARSHALLING Swimmers should bring a bag containing a towel/s, goggles, swimming cap, jacket, water bottle (name clearly marked) food if needed, any medication that may be required (Inhaler etc.) Swimmers not in marshalling when their race is called may miss their event.


  1. SPECTATOR SEATING: Spectators asked not to sit on the marshalling side of the pool. Please sit in the rotunda, or on the Market Street side of the pool. Please meet swimmers at the rotunda to go home.  Feel free to BYO chair or blanket.


  1. SOCIAL DISTANCING: 1 person per 4sqm indoors and 1 person per 2sqm outdoors rule must be maintained at all times by spectators and officials and swimmers. Please don’t congregate around the end of the pool with a towel for swimmers after their race.


  1. HYGIENE: Sanitiser will be available at all registration points. We encourage everyone attending club race nights to use this. The blocks will be cleaned at the beginning and the end of each club night.


  1. TIMES: Swimmers may ask the timekeeper for their times. We ask parents not go to the timekeepers. Race times will be available online after the program.


  1. COVID TESTING – if any swimmer or member of the family becomes a close contact or tests positive to Covid-19, please advise the club immediately via email, vicepresidentrdrslsc@gmail.com for contact tracing purposes.



These protocols can and will change during the season with any Public Health Order Changes.  We ask for your cooperation in abiding by these protocols to ensure the swimmers get to complete the season without incident.


Any questions can be sent to our Covid Officer at vicepresidentrdrslsc@gmail.com.


Thank You.