2023 AGM 23rd June. 7pm Riverstone/Schofields Memorial Club Boardroom. All members welcome, you do not have to take on a role on the committe, just come and be part of the furture direction of your club. All positions will be declared vaccan ...


Thank you to all the swimmers who competed in our Thursday Club Race Nights. We had another amazing season at Riverstone Dolphins, with so many new and returning members. Congratulations to 2022/23 Age champions GirlsBoys6 YearsRasheli Man ...

2023 Return

We are back swimming next Thursday, 12th January.OME's are due by 7pm Monday the 9th January.Please click "Not Attending" if you are unable to make it. If you are not sure, please put swims in.NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!If you don't put your OM ...

2022 AGM

We invite all members to the AGM. Even if you dont want to take on a role come to the meeting, so we can have a quorum and vote in a new committee. Without this we dont have a club.  Remeber many hands make light work, so take on a position if you ca ...