Riverstone Dolphins RSL Youth Swimming Club Inc.

Volunteers Duties

Lane Timekeeper

Arrival Time: 6:30pm at Recording Table

Role Description: to record swimmers times.


  • Check in at Recording Table from 6:25-6:35pm. Fill out Supper form. Collect timer, vest, and clipboard
  • Meet with Referee and Chief Timekeeper at 6:40pm at Recording Table.

For Each Race

  • The Starter will announce the Event and Heat.
  • Do not press any button to start the race – this is automatically done by the Starter
  • Check that your timer is running – if it is not, notify the Chief Timekeeper IMMEDIATELY.
  • Press either side button to stop a race (but only once)
  • Stop the clock when any part of the body contacts the wall/finish rope.
  • DO NOT stop the clock if you have no swimmer in your lane. Write DNS on time sheet.
  • Check the swimmer’s name matches what is on your sheet. If there is a discrepancy, please write the swimmers name down next to the time.
  • If a swimmer asks, you may give them the time (except during Championships)
  • 12.5m BBB races, please note what stroke the swimmer attempts.
  • Any questions throughout the night, please ask the Chief Timekeeper.